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Writer's pictureMiss T

Covering Up For Self-Respect

Updated: Dec 10, 2024

Browsing on X I found this image (video) of young ladies out and about in Manchester. The write-up that followed told how these ladies were dressed and made the comparison to pole dancers and prostitutes.

The publisher took great offence at these comments and seemed to genuinely argue, what right had anyone to comment on what girls/women wore. There were a few curse/name-calling words in the mix, too. Moreover, I was surprised to see numerous boy's/men's pro-comments as well. I included a comment, that she was missing the point.  However, one guy mentioned the #metoo issue.

This guy is on the same page as me. If women walk around scantily dressed they are not helping themselves with regards to provoking rape. Men are renowned for being more sexually aroused than women. Unfortunately, some men can't help themselves and will go on, to commit the crime (rape). Now I am not for one second condoning that, but in the world we live in this, unfortunately, is the case and incidents are increasing. Moreover, 'grooming' gangs are operational, so would it not be wiser to cover up? I.e. Don't flaunt your bare assets for all to see. Have some self-respect. Look after yourselves by taking care of yourselves - prevention is better than cure. This isn't about telling you what you should wear, it's about taking the necessary precautions to help you stay safe.

And, finally. What would God say?

I can't speak for God, but what I know of Him He would not approve. When Jesus walked the earth, in today's Middle East, people (men and women) were clothed head-to-foot in robes. This was and is, part of their culture, their make-up. This tradition is still apparent today.

In the West, we have since the Romans worn different styles of clothing. But think on this; how would you feel, if you were dressed like one of the ladies in the photo above, standing in front of your Maker? Remember, when Eve brought sin on the earth when she coerced Adam to eat fruit from the Tree of Life, God covered their 'parts' in shame.

Stay safe ladies. Think about your deliberate provocation.

Until next time, God bless!

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